BMO Online HRM System -Leave, Time and Claims Management | Payroll Outsourcing

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Common Customer Questions About eLeave HRM System

Common Customer Questions About HRM System

Does the system has overtime tracking feature?

System will calculate total overtime at attendance list.

Can the system make shift schedules?
You can make a schedule update for those staff that working in shift.

Can attendance data be exported into Excel file format?
Attendance data can either export into Excel or PDF format.

How to make sure staff clock in at the workplace if using mobile app?

  • Employees can capture selfie/photo during marking attendance.
  • BizCloud App will prohibit them from choosing a photo from their gallery.
  • Compulsory to capture an image on the spot and submit to the app.

Can staff ask others to log in his account to clock in attendance via app?
You can lock the device which means one mobile phone can only log in one account.

Can attendance record from multiple fingerprint device shows at the same cloud?
All the attendance record will sync to the same account.

How many clock in type you have?
There are 6 different ways to clock in:

  • Username or password
  • RFID card
  • Fingerprint
  • Face recognition
  • Smartphone app
  • QR code

Can set different leave policy for different level of staff?

You can create leave policy matrix table for different employee type.

Does the system allows to cancel leave?

  • System allows staff to cancel their leave before the leave date.
  • Not allow cancel after the leave date unless using admin account to cancel.

Will the approver get notifications when staff applies for leave?

  • Approver will receive an email notifications.
  • They can also approve the leave directly from the email too.

Can we have multiple superior to approve leave?

  • You are allowed to create multi-level approval.
  • Leave needs to approve from one level to another level.

Can the system set limit for claim?

  • System allows you to set different limit for different claim type.
  • New claim type can be created too.

Can approve leave via smartphone?
Yes, you can approve through smartphone, as well as web and email.

How much is the charges?

  • The software price starts from RM50 for each module for up to 50 employees on a monthly basis.
  • You need to add another RM50 if you have 50 to 100 employees.

Does the system allows to import employee in bulk?
Yes, system has bulk import employee function.