BMO Online HRM System -Leave, Time and Claims Management | Payroll Outsourcing

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Customizable Leave Policy

Customizable Leave Policy

Multiple Settings for Leave Policy

customizable policy
Your company’s leave policy is unique and tailored to suit your business need requirements. Our BizCloud e-Leave HRM system software was designed with this in mind so we could be dynamic to adapt to most of the requirements that various businesses use to manage their leave management.The table below gives you an idea of how to set up each of the leave types that you are currently using and also able to allow you to create unlimited leave types that your company may use in the future.
Name Description
Leave Type Name of Leave type e.g.: Annual Leave
Leave Code A shortcut name of the leave type
Leave Description Detail Description of this leave type
Label Color Select Label Color by clicking on the color bar
Selected Color Hex color code of the selected color
Forward to Email The email address that would receive a copy of the email received by the leave applicant when the leave has been approved or rejected
Apply Before (days) Leave Application to observe notice period in the number of “working days”
Apply After (days) Leave Application “within” the number of “working days”
Maximum Apply The number of leave days allowed in one leave application
Including non-working days? Does this leave include non-working days in calculating the number of days taken, if yes, checked the checkbox, if no, leave the checkbox unchecked
Allow Apply By Own Yes: the employee can apply this leave type No: the employee is NOT able to apply this leave type
Allow Apply By Supervisor Yes: the Supervisor can apply this leave type No: the Supervisor is NOT able to apply this leave type
Allow Leave Claim Yes: the employee can apply this leave type No: the employee is NOT able to apply this leave type
Earn Method Select: There are no earning type selected Every 1st Jan: Leave earned full on every 1st of Jan Monthly: Leave earned on a monthly basis Weekly: Leave earned on a weekly basis Never Earned: Leave are never earned
Start Earn After The leave will earn after several months
Earn on Each For weekly earned leave to earned on which day of the week
Parent Leave Type Does this leave type have a Parent Leave type, select the Leave Type e.g.: Leave deduction in this leave type reflects and affect the balance of the parent leaves
Allow Negative Balance Yes: Employees are allowed to apply for leave, even if there is no available balance. No: Employees are NOT allowed to apply to leave if there is no available balance.
Start Earn After If the above setting is Monthly, how many months after joining.
Parent Leave Type Does this leave type have a Parent Leave type, select the Leave Type e.g.: Leave deduction in this leave type reflects and affect the balance of the parent leaves
Allow Negative Balance Yes: this leave type can have a negative balance No: this leave type will NOT have any negative balance
One Time Usage Yes: this leave type can only be applied once No: this leave type will allow you to apply many times
Load When Register Yes: this leave type will load the leave entitlement once the employee is created No: this leave type will NOT be loaded when the employee is created
Carry Forward
Allow Carry Forward Yes: this leave type will allow carry forward to next year No: this leave type will burn all leave balances
Allow CF Exceed Entitlement Yes: this leave type will carry forward all leave balances No: this leave type will burn all leave balance exceeding your entitlement of next year only allow your next year entitlement to be carried forward
Max Allow CF% Carry Forward leave based on the percentage of your entitlement
To burn This leave type can burn all leave balance based on how many times per year
#1 If set to burn once, select the month. E.g. if select March, all leave balance will be burnt on 1st of March
Display On Web Yes: this leave type will show on the leave calendar No: this leave type will NOT show on the leave calendar
Display On App Yes: this leave type is selectable when applying using our “BizCloud” mobile app No: this leave type is NOT selectable when applying using our “BizCloud” mobile app
Need Attachment Yes: Attachment is Compulsory before the leave application can be submitted No: Attachment is NOT Compulsory before the leave application can be submitted
Need Relief Personnel Yes: Relief Personnel is Compulsory before the leave application can be submitted No: Relief Personnel is NOT Compulsory before the leave application can be submitted
Need Emergency Contact Yes: Emergency Contact is Compulsory before the leave application can be submitted No: Emergency Contact is NOT Compulsory before the leave application can be submitted
EPF Yes: EPF contribution will be affected No: EPF contribution will NOT be affected
SOCSO Yes: SOCSO contribution will be affected No: SOCSO contribution will NOT be affected
PCB Yes: PCB contribution will be affected No: PCB contribution will NOT be affected
EIS Yes: EIS/SIP contribution will be affected No: EIS/SIP contribution will NOT be affected
Carry Forward For Carry Forward leave can be forwarded to a different leave type if required because of certain criteria especially burn function
To Type Carry Forward Leave to another leave type. Select leave type from the list
Employee Type Select which employee type is affected
Max Carry What is the Maximum number of days to Carry Forward
Priority (Finish First) Is this a priority to finish first, if yes, check the box, if no, don’t check the box